Author: Science in Yoruba
Ayé Mẹ́kíúrì (The planet Mercury)
Irinkerindo ninu agbanla aye 7: Aye Mẹkiuri (Expedition within the universe 7: The planet Mercury)Yoruba description of the planet Mercury (aye Mẹkiuri)
Posted by Science in Yoruba on Monday, July 6, 2020
Awọn abara ofuurufu (Celestial bodies)
Irinkerindo ninu agbanla aye 5: Sàkáání òòrùn apa 2 (Expedition within the universe 5: The solar system 2)Irinkerindo ninu agbanla aye 5: Sàkáání òòrùn apa 2 (Expedition within the universe 5: The solar system 2)
Posted by Science in Yoruba on Sunday, June 7, 2020